Explore Aggie Life


Texas A&M Graduate Students Attend Global Young Scientists Summit in Singapore

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Aggie Voice

Aggieland - Lessons and Gratitude

I came to Texas A&M as an international student, but I will leave as part of something much greater - the Aggie family. That is something that cannot be fully described in words, but felt in every action, connection, and step I take toward a brighter future.

Aggie Voice

Tell Me About a Time You Failed

When I was first asked, "Tell me about a time you failed," during an interview, my instinct was to play it safe. I worried that revealing a failure might cast me in a negative light, so I gave a polished, surface-level answer that lacked authenticity. Unsurprisingly, it did not resonate.

Aggie Voice

The Power of Stories

My story was losing its shine the more I was losing my purpose in the grind of everyday tasks. However, it was the power of stories that rekindled my purpose. Every time I listened to a new story or watched a creative presentation, I felt my mind cleared and my heart prepared for another day of pushing myself forward as an academic...This may sound cliché, but we have the ability to write our own stories, and rewrite them when they wander without purpose.