About Us

About Us

“Howdy” and welcome to Texas A&M University! If you’re looking for a top-ranked graduate or professional education, a welcoming community, peers and faculty who challenge you, and world-class professional and research opportunities, you’ve come to the right place.

Learn Why Texas A&M Could Be The Right Choice For You

Our Graduate School's Vision

We aspire to be a globally recognized leader in student-centered graduate and professional education.

Our Graduate School's Mission

We collaborate with graduate faculty, academic leaders, and staff throughout the University to advance academic excellence, enhance our community and support student success.

Our Graduate School's Values

The following values drive all that we do in the Graduate and Professional School to advance graduate education on our campus and beyond:

  • Innovative excellence: Enable transformative scholarship, research, and education that improves Texas, the nation, and the world.
  • Campus Enhancement: Value all people’s unique perspectives and backgrounds, foster a learning environment where all can thrive, and ensure a sense of belonging for all students.
  • Student centeredness: Promote student health, well-being, and success in all we do.
  • Collaborative community: Work collectively with all graduate faculty, staff, programs, schools, and offices to achieve common goals.

Focus on the Future

Where We're Headed

Texas A&M's journey to becoming a global leader in higher education has been fueled by strategic planning that consistently positions us ahead of the curve. Our current mission and strategic priorities look to continue our tradition of preparing leaders of character to meet the world's biggest challenges. That's how we build on our success and reach our brightest potential. One of our strategic priorities is to elevate graduate and professional education, because graduate and professional students, through their research, teaching, service, and commitment to academic and personal growth, are uniquely suited to play a vital role in helping Texas A&M fulfill our responsibilities as a public, land-, sea- and space-grant institution. The Graduate and Professional School is charged with leading that effort.

Texas A&M's Mission Statement Office of the Provost's Mission Statement & Strategic Priorities

Graduate School Task Force

The Graduate School Task Force was created in 2020 to facilitate our transition from the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies to the Graduate and Professional School.

Learn More


Various committees ensure that we’re following our guiding principles and considering input from students, faculty and staff when making decisions about the Graduate and Professional Education.

Graduate Operations Committee (GOC)

The Graduate Operations Committee serves as an advisory body to the Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate and Professional School. It focuses primarily on operations and procedures regarding the administration of graduate education throughout the University. Each academic college is represented on the GOC by the associate dean (or other named individual) responsible for graduate studies in that college.


College Committees on Graduate Instruction (GIC)

The College Committees on Graduate Instruction are responsible for making recommendations concerning graduate course offerings, general policies on graduate instruction and for other matters pertaining to graduate studies in each college. Members include Graduate Program Directors and the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, who acts as Chair.

GIC Resources From The Knowledge Center

Graduate and Professional Council (GPC)

The Graduate and Professional Council is composed of representatives from the graduate faculty at Texas A&M. The Council develops and maintains policies and procedures pertaining to graduate programs at the university. The Council’s function includes long-range planning, recommendation of new programs and courses, evaluation of existing programs and courses, and facilitation of university accreditation. Members include GIC chairs, Graduate Program Directors and Graduate Faculty.

GPC Resources From The Knowledge Center

Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG)

The Graduate and Professional Student Government advocates for graduate and professional students, supporting the extracurricular environment so that they can be successful academically. They host events such as Grad Camp, Student Research Week and Interdisciplinary Dinners.


Connect with the Grad School!

We are located in Nagle Hall, on Academic Plaza, in the center of the Texas A&M campus in College Station. 

Graduate and Professional School

Address: 204 Nagle Hall, College Station, TX 77843

Email: grad@tamu.edu

Phone: 979-845-3631

Fax: 979-862-1692

Mail Stop: TAMU 1113

Visit our staff page


News from Nagle

Stay up to date on news, events, support services, resources and dates & deadlines for the graduate and professional community, all in a fun, once-a-month read. Just check your mailbox on (or around) the first of the month. Click the links below to view archives.  

Read the News from Nagle

Office Hours


8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 - 5 p.m.

Not Sure Who to Contact?

Do you have questions about graduate and professional studies, or need help from an expert? If you can’t find what you’re looking for in the knowledge center, you can reach out to the appropriate Grad School team using the contact information below.

Learn Who To Contact

Reserve a Room

Nagle Hall has multiple conference rooms available to reserve, including seating, cameras, and Zoom presentation software. To learn more and make a reservation, click the button below.

Please note: Room reservations are not guaranteed. Please submit requests at least 48 hours in advance.

reserve a room in nagle hall

From the Knowledge Center

Can I change the disbursement duration of my fellowship/assistantship? (EX: change from a 9 month disbursement to a 12 month or vice versa)
Can I choose who will hood me at graduation?
Can I take a leave of absence from my studies?
Do I have to register for courses in my graduating semester?