Who to Contact
Wondering Who to Contact?
Discover our areas of expertise and how to get in touch with the right office, faculty or staff member at Texas A&M. You can also give the Graduate and Professional School a call at 979-845-3631 and we’ll connect you with the appropriate resource.
I need help with: | Point of Contact | |
Admissions | Office of Admissions | admissions@tamu.edu |
Aggie Voice Blog | Marketing & Communications | grad-blog@tamu.edu |
Budget & Annual College Allocations | Jackie Perez | grad@tamu.edu |
Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL @ TAMU) | Sharanee Sytha | cirtl@tamu.edu |
Conflict Resolution & Ombuds | Ombuds Office | ombuds@tamu.edu |
Degree Completion | Processing Team | gradprocessing@tamu.edu |
Degree Plan | Processing Team | gradprocessing@tamu.edu |
Doctoral Characteristics | Data Services | doctoral-chars@tamu.edu |
Doctoral Hooding | Amy Fritcher | doctoralhooding@tamu.edu |
My Grad Journey | Dr. Julie Harlin | doctoralprofile@tamu.edu |
Fellowships | Staff | grad-award-admin@tamu.edu |
Final Exam, Defense | Processing Team | gradprocessing@tamu.edu |
Graduate Resources and Development for Aggies (GRAD Aggies) | Dr. Morgan Schweller | grad-aggies@tamu.edu |
Grad School Awards | Teagen Hruska | grad-award-admin@tamu.edu |
Grad School Data | Data Services | graddata@tamu.edu |
Grad School Recruiting | Kayla Duncan | grad-recruiting@tamu.edu |
Grad School Travel Award | Dr. Morgan Schweller | grad-travel-award@tamu.edu |
Graduate and Professional School Dean | Dr. Fuhui Tong | grad-dean@tamu.edu |
Graduate Committee Faculty | Mark Gleason | gradcom@tamu.edu |
Graduate Council | Staff | gradcounciladmin@tamu.edu |
Graduate Mentoring Academy | Sharanee Sytha | gradmentoring@tamu.edu |
Graduate Student Employment and Benefits | Staff | grad-employment@tamu.edu |
IMSD T32 | Victor Gongora | grad-T32@tamu.edu |
Marketing & Communications | Dr. Rob Dixon | grad-info@tamu.edu |
Master's and Doctoral Commencement | Amy Fritcher | doctoralhooding@tamu.edu |
Non-Resident Tuition Waivers | Staff | gradbusinessservices@tamu.edu |
Preliminary Exam | Processing Team | gradprocessing@tamu.edu |
Professional Development | Dr. Morgan Schweller | grad-aggies@tamu.edu |
Research Proposals | Processing Team | gradprocessing@tamu.edu |
Responsible Conduct of Research | Dr. Julie Harlin | rcr.grad@tamu.edu |
TA Training and Evaluation Program | Dr. Julie Harlin | grad-tatep@tamu.edu |
Thesis, Dissertation, Record of Study Submission | Thesis and Dissertation Services | thesis@tamu.edu |