Graduate and Professional School Staff
Who We Are
The Graduate and Professional School provides comprehensive support for Aggies who are pursuing graduate degrees or professional certifications. We are a resource for students from admission through graduation; our staff can help you with degree planning, responsible research, thesis and dissertation review, professional development and more.
Advocates For Excellence
The graduate school helps to establish procedures that guarantee the highest quality of educational experience for graduate and professional students at Texas A&M.
We constantly seek to enhance the academic environment to ensure that students are creating scholarship and scientific inquiry at their highest level. We also foster interdisciplinary and intercollegiate relationships within our programs and research activities, so that our students have access to the brightest minds regardless of location.
Expert Resources
Graduate school staff are experts in all things related to graduate and professional studies. If you have questions but aren’t sure who to contact, you can start by exploring our areas of expertise.
Associate Provost and Dean

Dr. Fuhui tong '06
Associate Provost and Dean
Dr. Tong oversees all aspects of the Graduate and Professional School. She advocates for graduate and professional students and pursues continual improvement in graduate education.
Leadership Team

Dr. charles criscione
Associate Dean
Thesis and Dissertation Services
Dr. Criscione oversees Thesis and Dissertation Services, English Language Proficiency Verification & Certification, and Graduate Committee Faculty, as well as provides direction in the Future Faculty Fellowship Program, Network for Administrative Faculty in Graduate and Professional Affairs, and Interdisciplinary Graduate Degree Programs.

Dr. Rob Dixon
Marketing and Communications
Dr. Dixon oversees graduate and professional marketing and communications efforts.

Amy fritcher '98
Chief of Staff
Amy Fritcher provides leadership and direction on the daily operations for the Graduate and Professional School.

Dr. Julie Harlin '93
Associate Dean
Professional Development and Special Projects
Dr. Harlin provides administrative oversight for several graduate strategic initiatives such as TATEP, Graduate Research Mentoring, graduate RCR training, and university collaborations.

Jacqueline Perez
Business Services
Jacqueline Perez leads the Business Services team overseeing Fellowship/Award funding, the GREAT Program, College / IDP Allocations and Graduate Employment.
Trent Smith
Records Processing
Trent Smith leads the team involved with Graduate Records Processing.

Dr. Shannon Walton
Assistant Dean
Academic and Career Success
Dr. Walton leads teams involved with Recruiting, Professional Development and Student Success.
Erika BRigham
Executive Assistant
Erika Brigham supports the Associate Provost and Dean as well as the Ombuds Officer.
Madelynn Burwitz '22
Events Coordinator
Madelynn Burwitz helps to create, plan, and run all events put on at the Graduate and Professional School.

Cory Raney
Executive Assistant
Cory Raney provides executive and administrative support for the leadership team.
Academic & Career Success

Dr. Linda Castillo
Ombuds Officer
Dr. Castillo serves as a neutral, independent, confidential resource for conflict resolution.

JonSavannah Carter
Program Coordinator II
JonSavannah Carter oversees the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings Fellowship and coordinates all related events.
Kayla Duncan
Senior Graduate Student Specialist
Kayla Duncan provides highly developed skills for guiding graduate students/faculty/staff on various aspects of the graduate educational experience. Provides detailed information on and refers students/faculty/staff to University resources that can assist in meeting their needs or solving their problems.

Victor Gongora
Program Coordinator
Victor Gongora coordinates Grad School programs to enhance student success and career success.
teagen hruska '23
Student Success Specialist
Teagen Hruska serves as the lead for GradHub (InfoReady) and provides oversight of the submission and selection processes and recognition activities for Texas A&M Graduate Student Fellowships and Awards.

Isah Veronica D. Juranek
Student Success Coordinator
Isah Juranek coordinates programs that help students succeed while in graduate programs at Texas A&M and create pipelines to careers.

Dr. Morgan Schweller '04
Professional Development Coordinator
Dr. Schweller coordinates professional development opportunities, including Graduate Resources and Development for Aggies (GRAD Aggies) and is a key member of the CIRTL team.
Records Processing

Mark Gleason
Graduate Student Specialist
Mark Gleason specializes in working with Graduate Committee Faculty, the Graduate Council, and English Language Proficiency compliance.
hakim marquez '21
Graduate Student Specialist II
Hakim Marquez facilitates document processing related to graduate students’ degree completion.

Raiden Sawyer
Graduate Student Specialist III
Raiden Sawyer facilitates document processing related to graduate students’ degree completion.

Karen Seago
Graduate Records Specialist
Karen Seago facilitates document processing related to graduate students’ degree completion.

Layne Wells '24
Graduate Student Specialist III
Layne Wells facilitates document processing related to graduate students’ degree completion.

Kim Widdison
Graduate Records Coordinator
Kim Widdison coordinates processing related to graduate students’ degree completion.
Business Services
Dr. jessica CoNner
GREAT Program Coordinator
Dr. Conner is the point of contact for the GREAT Program including funding requests and reimbursements.

Danielle pacheco
Fellowships Coordinator
Danielle Pacheco provides managerial oversight and direction on various funding aspects of Grad School facilitated fellowships and awards and serves as the Alternate Coordinating Official for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program.
Thesis & Dissertation Services

Jane Brewer
Graduate Student Specialist
Jane Brewer evaluates student theses, dissertations, and records of study for uniformity, consistency and adherence to university guidelines.

Mary Katherine Maness
Graduate Student Specialist
Mary Katherine Maness evaluates student theses, dissertations, and records of study for uniformity, consistency, and adherence to university guidelines.

Amy Motquin
Editorial Assistant
Amy Motquin reviews theses, dissertations, and records of study for adherence to university guidelines for formatting and quality.
Julia Williams
Editorial Assistant
Mary-Lou Wilshaw-Watts
Editorial Assistant
Data Services
pratik lohikpure '24
Data Analyst
Pratik Lohikpure collaborates with technical and end-user teams, analyzes data from multiple sources, conducts qualitative and quantitative research, generates reports and visualizations to deliver effective, data-driven solutions.

Dr. Yu-chen Yeh
Senior Data Analyst
Dr. Yeh supports the collection and analysis of data related to graduate and professional education at Texas A&M. She creates data visualizations and prepares analyzed reports for internal and external audiences.
Tech & Project Management; CRM

Patrick Brophy
Senior IT Professional
Patrick Brophy provides technical leadership for Grad School operations and projects and as an advisor for the the Associate Provost and Dean.
Professional Development & Special Projects

Sharanee Sytha '24
Professional Development Coordinator
Sharanee Sytha coordinates professional development programming such as the Graduate Mentoring Academy and the Center for Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL@Texas A&M).
Marketing & Communications
Kasey Clay
Communications Coordinator
Kasey Clay assists in marketing and communication efforts by coordinating the Grad School social media pages, advertising and the website.
Contact The Graduate And Professional School
Friendly staff are available to answer your questions about graduate and professional studies. Send us an email, give us a call or just come by our office.
Phone: 979-845-3631
Fax: 979-862-1692
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8AM – 12PM and 1PM – 5PM