Graduate Student Travel Awards

The Graduate and Professional School’s Graduate Student Travel Awards support educational and professional development opportunities for graduate students. The Graduate & Professional School does this through two awards:

Graduate Student Research and Presentation (RAP) Travel Award

The program reimburses students up to $1000 for travel expenses associated with academic conferences and research projects in the United States and abroad.  

Additional support for the Graduate and Professional School’s Research and Presentation Travel Awards is generously provided by Association of Former Students and the George & Barbara Bush Foundation. The George & Barbara Bush Foundation is dedicated to the idea that public service is a noble calling. It works to preserve the historic legacy of President George Bush and support the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, The Bush School of Government and Public Service and the local community.   

Graduate Student Child Care (CC) Travel Award

*NEW* October 2024 Opportunity!

The Graduate Student Child Care Travel Award reimburses students up to $750 for expenses incurred to care for children (either expenses for child travel or child care at home) while attending academic conferences, professional development opportunities, or conducting research in the United States or abroad*.

*NOTE: Travel opportunity must be outside of the local Bryan/College Station area.


Graduate Student Eligibility

Before submitting your application, read through the following carefully and ensure that you meet all of the requirements for eligibility.

Eligibility Requirements for all travel awards

IMPORTANT: Do not submit your application if you are missing any requirements (please read the Application Requirements). We are not able to accept supplemental materials via email and the application portal does not allow any additional documents to be added to your application. If you are missing requirements, we will have to return your application to you for you to update.

Eligibility Requirements for the child care travel award specifically

All the above requirements must be met to qualify for the Child Care Travel Award. In addition: 

  1. Graduate students who need additional financial support to provide care for their child/children (beyond normal day-to-day care) in order to engage in the professional development travel opportunity are eligible to apply. This can include financial support for the child/children to travel with the applicant or for supplemental care at home. 

    1. A child is defined as a minor who resides with the graduate student and for whom the student is the primary caregiver.


Award categories


Travel Category

Maximum Amount

RAP Travel Award

Domestic Travel: Continental United States, Hawaii and Alaska


International Travel: U.S. Territories (e.g. Puerto Rico) & all countries other than the United States



Conference registration fee only

Local: Bryan/College Station, TX

Conference registration fee only

Child Care Travel Award

Domestic or International Travel only

*NOTE: Opportunity must be outside of the local Bryan/College Station area



Travel Start Date
 (deadline is determined by the travel start date)

Deadline (11:59 p.m. CT)

September 1 – November 30

August 1

December 1 – February 28/29

November 1

March 1 – May 30

February 1

June 1 – August 31

May 1

We are unable to accept applications after the deadline has closed. Please submit your application by the deadline (even if you have not received your abstract acceptance yet).

Application Requirements

The Graduate and Professional School will only consider complete applications for the Graduate Student Research and Presentation Travel Award. In order to complete your application, ensure that you’ve included all the required information. Please review the application requirements before beginning your application.

A complete application, submitted through the GrabHub Graduate Student Travel Awards Application includes:

We will NOT consider incomplete and/or late applications.

FAQs - Frequently asked questions

Check out some of our FAQs regarding the Award application process.


Other Travel Support Options

International Travel: Scholarships

International Travel: Additional Funding Resources

Graduate & Professional Student Government (GPSG) Travel Award

Securing Other Funding: Check with your college, department and/or the conference you are attending for other travel funding opportunities. Some conferences provide travel awards or waive registration fees for spending some time volunteering during the event.

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