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Graduate Student Research and Presentation Travel Award FAQs


1. How do I know the status of my Award Application?

Please log into with your NetID and password. Access the Applications tab from the navigation bar at the top of the page. This will list all of your applications in the Texas A&M Grad School InfoReady platform. Find your Graduate Research and Presentation Travel Award application in the application Grid. Use the search bar to look up your application.

Status Categories:
Draft - your application is not submitted but any progress you have made has been saved. Please note that InfoReady does not automatically save your applications as a draft, you must click the “Save as Draft" button on the bottom left of the page.
Submitted - your application is successfully uploaded into the Texas A&M Grad School’s Graduate Research and Presentation Travel Award InfoReady portal. It is pending Graduate and Professional School Administrative Review.
Accepted - your application has been approved by the Grad School and may now proceed to the Travel Award Review Committee for review. You have not been awarded at this time.
Returned - your application is missing information or is incorrect and you may make the required corrections for approval by a Grad School Administrator. You will see the application in your “Applications” tab with the “Draft” status. You must resubmit your application for approval.

Awarded - congratulations you have been approved for funding with a Texas A&M Grad School Graduate Research and Presentation Travel Award.

Not Awarded (Rejected) - unfortunately your application has not been approved for funding. We encourage you to apply again.
2. Where do I find information on GRAD Aggies events? 
To see current GRAD Aggies events, click here.

3. My GRAD Aggies Reflection Quiz isn’t graded yet. How can I get it graded so I can submit my application?
Your reflection quiz does not need to be graded before you submit your application, just be sure you are uploading a screengrab that shows your name, the name of the event and all of your answers to the reflection questions in your application.
4. How can I tell if an event is a GRAD Aggies event?
Please visit the GRAD Aggies calendar. In general GRAD Aggies events will have “GRAD Aggies” in their title as well as the GRAD Aggies Professional Development Unit (PDU) value in the description. Events in the GRAD Aggies calendar that are NOT eligible GRAD Aggies events will explicitly say so in their description. Please click on the events to read their descriptions.

5. I received a Travel Award before. May I apply again?
Graduate students may receive 1 award per degree. If you received an award during your Master’s degree and are now pursuing a doctoral degree, you may apply again.

Related knowledge

What are the requirements and instructions to receive reimbursement for a travel award?
What are the requirements and instructions to apply for a travel award?

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