Knowledge Center - General FAQs

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Can I take a leave of absence from my studies?

You can initiate a leave of absence request by submitting a Waivers and Exceptions petition through the Document Processing Submission System (DPSS). A leave of absence will be granted for one year, and only under conditions that require the suspension of all activities associated with pursuing the degree. For certain types of approved leave, such as medical, the time period for completing the degree will stop with the leave and begin when the student returns to the program. Other types of leave may not stop the time limit for the degree. Consult your program’s graduate academic advisor for details.

If you are a pregnant or parenting student who would like to request a leave of absence, please do not submit your request through DPSS. Instead, please contact the Title IX office at, (979) 845-8116, or the main Title IX phone number at (979) 485-8407. For more information related to pregnancy and parenting accommodations, please see the Title IX webpage.

For more information on program requirements please visit the graduate catalog.

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