MS, Animal Breeding

College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Department of Animal Science

Texas A&M University - College Station

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The Department of Animal Science offers graduate degree programs leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Animal Breeding. Students pursuing graduate training in Animal Breeding will be working to provide new scientific discoveries to age-old livestock production problems to help producers and consumers.

A Masters of Science in Animal Breeding is also available for those seeking non-academic positions and will require completion of courses selected by the student and his/her advisory committee to develop skills and expertise in specific academic areas to meet each student's career objectives. Students conduct research, write a thesis on original research as directed by the student's advisory committee and undergo a final examination. The student's thesis seminar will be announced for public attendance prior to the final exam.

Thesis Option

An acceptable thesis is required for the Master of Science degree for a student who selects the thesis option program. The finished work must reflect a comprehensive understanding of the pertinent literature and express in clear English, the problem(s) for study, the method, significance and results of the student’s original research. For thesis option students, the final examination covers the thesis and all work taken on the degree plan and at the option of the committee may be written or oral or both. 

More information on the thesis option for the Masters of Science degree can be found here.

Non-Thesis Option

For non-thesis option students, a final comprehensive examination may be required. A student pursuing the non-thesis option is not allowed to enroll in  691 (research) for any reason and 691 may not be used for credit toward a non-thesis option Master of Science degree. A maximum of 4 credit hours of 684 (Professional Internship), 8 credit hours of 685 (Directed Studies), and up to 3 credit hours of 690 (Theory of Research) or 695 (Frontiers in Research) may be used toward the non-thesis option Master of Science degree.

In addition, any combination of 684, 685, 690 and 695 may not exceed 25 percent of the total credit hour requirement shown on the individual degree plan. All requirements for the non-thesis option Master of Science degree other than those specified above are the same as for the thesis option degree.

More information on the non-thesis option for the Master of Science degree can be found here

To learn more about the program or for questions, email

PHD, Animal Breeding

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