The graduate Certificate in National Security Affairs (Bush School of Government and Public Service) is intended to provide a comprehensive overview of United States national security policy for individuals with specific background and experience. Individuals may apply who hold a terminal or graduate degree from an accredited university and three years employment (or a bachelor's degree and five years employment) in a firm, laboratory, agency or non-governmental organization in which the individual's responsibilities involve the development or provision of systems, services or products for use in national or international security. Applicants must meet these requirements and those for admission for graduate study at Texas A&M University as non-degree seeking students (G-6). Proficiency in reading, writing and comprehending spoken English at a level necessary for graduate instruction is required.
Graduate-level courses for the certificate include four required courses selected from a structured menu. Among those courses included are those dealing with deterrence, American foreign policy, cyber policy and national security policy. Typically, this certificate requires residency in the first term of the summer semester during which two courses are taken, followed by two courses which may be taken synchronously via distance education to complete the program. An individual who successfully completes the program will be awarded the certificate by the Bush School. Inquiries may be addressed to the Bush School. For more information, visit or call (979) 458-2276.
This program is approved for 50% delivery via synchronous distance education technology in Livermore, CA and Albuquerque, NM.