The PSAA Department offers a two-year, full-time course of study in one of three tracks: Nonprofit Management, Public Management, or Public Policy Analysis. In addition, students have the option to choose a concentration in a substantive area such as analytical methods; cybersecurity policy; education policy and management; energy, environment, and technology policy and management; health policy and management; international nongovernmental organizations; security policy and management; state and local government policy and management; or they may design their own concentration in consultation with their advisor. The program includes a non-credit-bearing internship and two semesters of capstone policy seminars which give students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to a real-world problem or issue.
For further information about the Bush School, including requests for admission materials, please contact: Bush School, Texas A&M University, 4220 TAMU, College Station, Texas 77843-4220, email, or visit the website at