Aggie Voice
The Dissertation Olympics
Whereas a friend and I had likened our comprehensive exams process to a triathlon, I realized that our dissertation writing process is achingly similar to an Olympic competition. Don’t believe me? Here is some proof.
Aggie Voice
The Chinese Halloween: Hungry Ghost Month
Halloween is one of my favorite celebrations of the year. I’m not sure why, considering that I have only celebrated two Halloweens so far, and both have been relatively uneventful in comparison to the parties I grew up watching through American drama series like Vampire Diaries and Stranger Things. Nonetheless I enjoy the concept of dressing up as monsters once a year and going around households blackmailing families for candy. And in the spirit of Halloween, I’m going to introduce the Hungry Ghost Month celebrated by the Chinese.
Aggie Voice
Thanks for Nothing
Giving thanks…that’s what we’re all “supposed” to be doing right now. What happens when that’s hard? Of course, it’s easy enough to give thanks for “family, friends, and faith,” but how about the hard things in our lives? Sometimes, it seems that the season of Thanksgiving can bring only discontentment as we look around and designate how many things we don’t have for which to be thankful. It soon becomes natural to shake our fists at the sky with a “thanks for nothing” attitude.