September 2023

Don't let the storm clouds get you down: mindset is everything
By Serina DeSalvio
I’m not here to tell you how to think- but I am here to let you know that what you think, and how you frame challenges, can totally change your graduate school experience.
When I started my Ph. D., I didn’t understand why all of the senior students seemed so down all the time- why was everyone so mope-y? There is so much excitement in science, especially at a big research school like A&M, I couldn’t understand the continuous storm clouds that seemed to loom over everyone’s heads.
As a fifth year, I have to say- I get it now. It’s HARD to do this, and not in a learning-new-things- way or a out-of-my-comfort-zone way or a not-sure-I’m-doing-the-right-thing-way- in ALL of those ways combined!! And I think fixating on those doubts, those uncertainties and negative feelings, is what collectively creates that Ph. D. student storm cloud.
But- you don’t have to give that storm cloud all that power! As tempting as it is to fixate on the difficulties of graduate school, it lightens your mental load to try to see the issues as opportunities. Every time something goes “wrong” for your work, you’re learning something new about the field, or yourself, or your environment- if you’re only willing to step out from under the storm cloud and look for it!
Also- watch the way you talk about your work to other people. If you find yourself only talking about the hardest, most unrewarding parts of grad school- your brain will continue negative downward-spiraling down that path and you will keep feeling bad or upset about your circumstances. Our minds create reinforcing narratives of what we already believe to be true - so by teaching yourself to talk (to others or yourself) about the best, most positive, most interesting aspects of your work, over time, you’ll start to notice all those good things more and more.
Finally- just because other people complain doesn’t mean you have to. It can be really relieving to vent about issues you’re facing with people who understand what you’re going through- and that’s healthy and productive, often you feel better afterwards! But complaining for the sake of complaining is what makes the hard parts of graduate school feel harder. Don’t dim your light because it’s shining in someone else’s eyes- if you got some good results at work, share that news! If you got an award for a talk or a poster, post about it online! Try not to get too stuck in your own, or other people’s grad school struggles, such that you don’t take the appropriate time to celebrate your victories!