July 2019

FREE Stuff to Do in Bryan/College Station  teaser image
Okay, I hate to tell you this but summer is quickly coming to an end. I’ll miss summer, but I will not miss this heat! I love it when I know Fall is right around the corner. Not only are the leaves beautiful but the weather is amazing. Fall is always a time I enjoy getting outdoors with the family. The problem is that we don’t always have the cash to go on big adventures. So, we’ve gotten really creative and learned ways to save money by finding things to do for free. Here’s the list of things that we love to do for FREE in Bryan/College Station.

George Bush Library

Did you know that the George Bush Library has a FREE summer film series?  You can go to the library, park, and then walk to the very back where the Barbara Bush garden is located.  Once there, you can bring blankets and/or lawn chairs and sit out on the lawn. There are activities for kids and free food.  In the past we’ve gotten hamburgers, nachos, hot dogs, sandwiches, etc. The food has always been excellent and the kids have a great time!  You can bring your own food if you like and coolers. I don’t think they allow glass bottles. There are two movies left: Zootopia and The Lego Movie.  So, get ready to mark your calendar. Maybe I’ll see you there!

First Friday in Downtown Bryan

Okay, y’all, I LOVE First Friday in downtown Bryan.  Maybe it’s because I’ve been a Bryanite for 14 years or just that I love supporting our city, but this event is so much fun.  Every first Friday of the month, Bryan’s downtown is open for all to come out and enjoy. Their restaurants stay open late and they serve fabulous food.  There are street vendors everywhere and there is always a musical act in the Palace Theater. The newly restored Queen Theater is opened as well on this night and the tickets are $5 to see a movie.  I am telling you, this place is phenomenal. Don’t have any money? Don’t worry. Come on out anyways and enjoy the weather and festivities.

Boonville Heritage Park

Learn about the Brazos Valley by walking through the Boonville Heritage Park located off Boonville Road in Bryan.  You will have the opportunity to see what life was like in the era when Texas was a Republic. There are always new additions and it makes for a great place to walk around with the family while reading about the history of the town of Boonville.  Boonville Heritage Park is free to the public.  

Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History 

If you have never been to this museum, then you’re really missing out!  Every year we used to take our 3rd graders on a field trip here and the employees really put a lot of effort into making our field trips a success.  The museum is filled with many artifacts from all over the world and they have it broken up into different rooms. You can see anything from a huge tortoise shell to an actual beehive to a chuck wagon.  Plus, if you’re wanting to save some money, then wait and go here in October. They will have the museum opened for FREE during the Boonville Days Festival. 

Brazos Valley Worldfest

I have never attended this event before but I have been to the Expo Center.  In the past when I have gone there for events, we have always had to pay. But I noticed that this event has FREE parking and the event is also FREE.  It looks like Texas A&M, along with other community groups, put this one-day event on where you can listen to storytelling, view arts and crafts, listen to music, and watch performances all while learning about different cultures.  This looks like an amazing event and I’m marking it on my calendar right now. Won’t you join me?  

Brazos Valley Farmers Market

If you have never been to the Farmers Market located near downtown Bryan, then you are really missing out.  Every Saturday morning, from 8-12, the Farmers Market will open to the public. They sell anything from home-made jellies to fresh fruits and vegetables and I believe some people have even started bringing jewelry.  My family and I love to go look around to see what exciting things are there to purchase. It is FREE to look around the Farmers Market, but you might want to bring a little cash. It’s hard to pass up the fresh honey.  Just sayin’....

I hope all of these events allow you to get outside and do something by yourself, or with the family, at no-cost to you.  Make sure and take time for yourself this Fall and give yourself a break from your graduate program. You deserve it!  
---Whitney Sparks
Whitney Sparks is a Masters student in the Department of Education

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