December 2020

“It is what it is” are the five words that have guided me through life, but are often mistaken for having a negative connotation. I would like you to just take a second to think of what that phrase means to you. Here is a scenario that you can use to give it a real-world significance:
“La, la, la, such a beautiful day. Things are delightful, wonderful and amazing. Like WOW, life is just so grand I could dance in the rain. In fact, that’s a GREAT idea. I think I will do just that. However, I think I shall first frolic through these flowers, chase the butterflies, soak up these amazing sun rays, and breathe this fresh air. Golly, this just a grand ole time!!!”
Life: “
Ha, ha, ha, you big dummy! Do you really think I would let you off that easy? Yeah, you can dance in the rain all right! *Boom.* Crash.* Thump.* *Clamor.* BOOSH.* I hope you don’t mind a little tropical thunder and wind with that tsunami rainstorm. Oh, and don’t worry, I will take care of those flowers, butterflies, and sun for you. *Goosh.* *Bam.* *ZAM.* *Skeesh.* Here’s a wildfire to burn down that wimpy little garbage. Lastly, I saw you like fresh air, but don’t worry–your buddy life is here to take care of that for you.
*SKAAA.**SHZEET.* *SASH.* *SQUINK.* Here’s some delightful smog to choke any fresh air out of your lungs!!!! Tehe.”
You, before reading this blog:
“Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, whyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! UGhhhhhhhhhghghghhh! What will I ever do now?!?!?!?!?!?!?? My life is ruined, things are horrible, and this is just not at all what I was hoping for or wanting.”
You, AFTER reading this blog:
“It is what it is.” Or for the Spanish speakers, “Es lo que es.”
Clear as mud now, right? The example is clearly very farfetched and unrealistic, but the message is real. How many times in your life have you been faced with a horrible situation or circumstance that you have little to no control over? In the scenario, you really had no choice over what life had in store for you. However, do you want to face it like the you before reading this blog, or the you after?
Unfortunately, in life, you will be challenged by something that you have absolutely no control over. This could come in the shape of a horrible co-worker, a poor instructor, car trouble, getting fired, failing a class, a breakup, or the millions of other things we deal with. That’s just going to be life. In my world, you’re faced with two options to deal with it. You can go through a million emotions, questions, theories, complaints, and the plethora of other things that will do nothing but add more fuel to that fire, or you could just say, “It is what it is.”
No, do not get it twisted. “It is what it is” is not some way to just mask the problem and not care. It is more of a realization that nothing will change or happen by stressing out about it. Life has chosen to deal those cards to you for one reason or another, and you are going to have to face them one way or another. It is just a mantra to accept life as it comes and not to wallow in the harsher side of it. Things that randomly come up can be a real headache, so why add more stress to an already stressful situation? It is to learn to just let go, to free your mind, body, and spirt of those uncontrollable happenstances, and to use that energy on something better. You can use that energy for solutions to those problems. Life is going to do what it wants, whether you like it or not. It is your job to accept it, overcome it, and just remember, “it is what it is.”
- Daniel Pall
Daniel is a master’s student in the Department of Agricultural Economics.