February 2024

Just do it- grad school edition teaser image

Just do it- grad school edition

By Serina DeSalvio

At the end of last semester I did something crazy- or at least, by my standards, it was crazy.

I applied for a fellowship.

This fellowship works like an internship. It’s in the field I plan to pursue after grad school, it’s notorious for opening doors for people with interests like mine, and it’s built for grad students. So you might wonder- what  makes this crazy, and why didn’t I apply sooner?!

The crazy part is, I work in agriculture, and this is a summer internship, which would mean I’m away from my research during the busiest time of the year. That’s also the short answer for why I didn’t apply sooner, there was simply not a summer I could miss in the past.

Until now.

I’m in my final year of grad school, and knowing that this summer would be a slower, writing-centric summer for me anyway, I figured I would finally give it a shot and apply for this fellowship I’ve been eye-balling since I started graduate school.

I didn’t tell anyone at first, either- I didn’t need letters of recommendation so I didn’t ask for any from professors, I was so nervous I would get desk rejected I was afraid to even mention it to my friends. But I knew that if I didn’t at least put my application in, I would always wonder what would have happened if I did.

So on December 21st , 2023, I submitted my application for the fellowship of my dreams.

And last week- I found out I’m a semi-finalist for it!

Once I found out I was that far along in the process, I told my coworkers and my PI and they were so much more supportive than I ever could have imagined. I told my friends and my family and the amount of positive feedback I got was more than I ever could have guessed- no one asked me anything disparaging about why now, or what might happen while I was gone, or anything else to deter from my enjoyment of this little milestone.

All of this to say- if it scares you, makes you shaky, nervous, excited- you need to do it. Whatever negative thoughts you have about your goals- no one else is thinking them, except you. So get out of your own way! Apply for the fellowship, the internship, or write that paper, submit it to THAT journal- you got this. Go do it!

About the Author

image of author Serina DeSalvio

Serina DeSalvio

Originally from Dallas, TX, Serina is a doctorate candidate at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, in the Interdisciplinary Genetics and Genomics Graduate Program. Her current research specializes in genetics, cytogenetics, botany, chromosome structure and dynamics, science communication, plant breeding, and biology. She enjoys painting, playing guitar, playing sand volleyball, ice skating, and taking care of her houseplants.

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