April 2019

Some of the projects require more time, are more technically demanded or labor intense; and some others are just creative arts and crafts, which are perfect for families with little kids. Every year I go, I learn new things about our community, especially those off campus organizations and their initiatives that are not often heard on campus. It is amazing to meet new people and learn what people are doing in the B/CS community. More importantly, it is always a relaxing study break from the busy April schedule.
If you are a service based organization that can use some extra hands on your project, please also consider to participate in Kyle Field and host a booth. Here is a list of this year’s organizations and the what they do: https://fish.tamu.edu/kylefieldday/ Contact the event organizers if you have any questions. See you next year!
---Mingqian Liu
Mingqian Liu is a doctoral student in the Department of Architecture