Aggie Voice
Be Productive, Not Busy
Would you describe yourself as busy or productive?
You have probably heard someone say, “I am so busy!” This phrase is very common, especially among graduate students. Yet, how often have you heard someone say, “I am being so productive!”
Aggie Voice
Keep Track of Graduate School
When I grew up, my parents always told me the importance of keeping myself and everything organized. For a while, I didn’t understand, because it took so much time to keep track of daily things. It was already hard to prepare and actually work on things in our lives, and when things are done, I couldn’t wait to throw them away, just to ease my emotional burden. However, as I got into college and then graduate school, I started to understand my parents’ words. The importance of organization and keeping track of our work and study, can never be overstated.
Aggie Voice
The Transition from a Large Lecture Hall to a Small Classroom
My undergraduate degree was in biomedical sciences, and I believe my smallest class was an English class freshman year. It was maybe 30 people. Most of my classes were in the typical lecture hall that could hold anywhere from 100-300 people. I rarely knew the person sitting next to me, and only sometimes did I know somebody in the entire class. If I was lucky, I knew somebody taking the same professor but in a different section time.
Aggie Voice
Tidying Your Life to Become Efficient
Are you bothered by a messy room? Do you feel stressed facing several projects and just don't want to start working? The Japanese tidying queen Marie Kondo may show you a way to fix the problems. This blog tells my story of how I applied the KonMari method to tidy my life to become efficient and the lessons I learned.