December 2016

MBA Follies teaser image
The MBA department of Mays Business School has a club by the name of Students Helping Our Community (SHOC) that regularly engages in social work. One of the events that SHOC organizes is called MBA Follies. This event is aimed at raising funds to help differently abled children attend a summer camp. It is one of the most interesting and fun events of the MBA community and this year was no different.

Follies was organized on 1st December this year and took place at the New Republic Brewery in College Station. The evening was chilly and the mood was interesting as the first and second year students as well as the staff from the program office and the career management started to file in into this beautiful brewery. The first thing that hit me as I started to walk into the compound was the smell of beef burgers. A food truck had been organized that was serving everything from burgers to tacos and even noodles. Needless to say, the truck saw a line of customers all evening and, having been one of the people lining up, I assure you that the wait was worth it.

The bar in itself was serving a good mix of craft beers, ranging from lagers to ales and porters. If that was not enough reason for you to drink your fair share of good beer, the MBA Association opened a tab there for members to come and keep drinking free of cost. Once I took my beer and went outside to the backyard of the building, my mood went from happy to overjoyed. Groups of students stood and relaxed by a fire, chatting, drinking, and playing games. There were tables where people were buying raffle tickets for goodies from different eateries. There was also a table for silent auctions where MBA students were auctioning their services. The services ranged from golf lessons to backyard cleaning and even to wake-up calls at four in the morning. Of course, all the proceeds from the raffles and auctions would go to charity.

An extremely interesting portion of the MBA Follies event was the live auctions of dinner events with professors of the department. People openly bid for the dinners, with dinner with one popular professor being sold for $2100. However, after the auction, the students of the department went up on stage to display their talent. Some burst out numbers from their DJ sets, some sang songs from Sound of Music, some danced, and others belted out medleys of Hindi and English songs. All in all, it turned out to be a blast.

All good things come to an end, but if you are an MBA, you tend to extend the good things further. When Follies was over, some of us decided to continue the party and we went to The West End Elixir Company. Everyone had a gala time there, no doubt fueled by the exquisite elixirs provided by the bar. It was late by then, and some of the crowd moved out and went to dance at Shiner Park while some others went to HEB, bought supplies and organized a drunken cookout. The cooking was a lot of fun: I know it because me and my roommate were the hosts for this cooking event. After two hours and lots of great food, we chatted till five in the morning and then went to sleep, ready to battle another day filled with operations and economics courses.

Arjun Chakrabarti | MBA

Arjun is an MBA student with an intense love for music, travel, scuba diving, tattoos and public speaking.

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