February 2022

New Year, New Adventures, and An Aggie Goes to New York (and Boston) teaser image
Welcome back, Aggies! You’ve made it! As we trade the balmy fall for a cold, rainy new year, do not forget to look back and pat yourself on the back for surviving and thriving this past term. It takes one good deed, one serendipitous event to help bring joy. Take a moment to reflect on that one deed that changed your life recently and hold onto it. Let this be the first thought you take into spring term.

I spent my winter with a desire to watch Netflix and be lazy. Although successful initially, the inherent desire within me to travel and see more of this beautiful world forced me to plan a trip. Traveling during COVID-19 is a challenge. Travel restrictions, vaccination requirements, and bad weather didn’t help. Nevertheless, New York City was as lively as I imagined it to be. Like most tourists, I visited all the attractions. And even a winter storm grazed the city during my time there, the attractions were relatively easy to access with a fewer number of tourists. Central Park was quite an eye-opener, not only due to the serenity it provides in the concrete jungle, but also the fascinating story of its creation.

Being someone who loves to travel without a rigid plan, the decision to take a quick trip from NYC to Boston was a memorable one for me. After having left the city of Dublin that gave me a lot more than I’d have ever hoped for, I have always felt a longing for friends and loved ones I had left behind. Thus, when I realized someone dear to me was in the city of Boston, I made up my mind and left for Boston. Reconnecting with a loved one is a joyous feeling. There are umpteen things to talk about, experiences to share, happiness, and sorrows too. The visit helped me realize how far I’ve come, how much I am loved, and how much more I can do for myself and the world. 


Concluding the trip with some lobster roll and a bunch of lovely memories, I truly feel energized as we walk into this new term. There are multiple assignments, papers, and meetings that await me this term, but the happiness and calm that I experienced during my short trip have made me more determined than ever to bring my best to Aggieland. I hope you too, dear reader, take charge of your deliverables and your goals this spring and show the world why aggies are the best.


About the Author

image of author Gogoal Falia

Gogoal Falia

Gogoal Falia is a third-year doctoral student from Port Blair, India. He is studying in the Department of Health Policy and Management in the School of Public Health. His research aims to understand the impact of climate change on public health. His interests include health disparities, access to care, & rural hospital closures. In his free time, he enjoys reading & writing poetry, competitive shooting, & biking. He hopes to share his passions for student politics & activism through his writing.

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