April 2019

Why "Everyone is right" teaser image
What comes to your mind when you see or have a conflict? It is often seen as an uncomfortable situation one would avoid at any cost, especially in personal life. The only gist of a conflict, metaphorically, is – I like red color, but they don’t. But it doesn’t seem so simple, right?

Although we are cognitive of the fact that people have different perspectives, choices, and goals, we subconsciously fail to adopt this psyche in micro-level behavior and habits.

If you are a host of an event and the event is supposed to start at 7:00 pm, arrival at 7:01 pm will be considered late. Further, arrival at 7:30 will be frowned upon, and rightfully so. Isn’t it?

Well, there are countries where such an event wouldn’t even start until 7:30. Does it mean that that person isn’t late for a 7:00 pm event? It does, but it does not.

Every one of us has built a belief system growing up that acts as our morale in every situation we encounter. If something falls in our category of right, it is acceptable. Otherwise, it is wrong/bad.

Even if we step forward and accept that someone did something because it was “correct” in their opinion, we are often intrinsically uncomfortable because of our belief system. What really matters here is the thought we generate in that situation. If you are a believer in the power of “Energy and vibrations”, you would be wary of letting your relationships go bad because of negative feelings. If you are not, try and relate one of these with your experiences.
  • There is a person whom you have never met before, but you instantly feel positive when you do and inherently wish good for them and always trust them without scrutiny. It is the power of the person’s vibrations. They have a bright aura that surrounds them that acts as a magnet. It can also be attributable to the concept of “energy exchange in a previous encounter apart from this birth”, which will be talked about in my next blog.
  • There is a person whom you simply cannot trust. It isn’t because of a bad reputation, but, somehow, you end up scrutinizing too much.
We have all dealt with situations in which we had a choice to do the right or the wrong thing. And some of us must have experienced that even when we chose the “right” option, it isn’t right for someone else. Even if we feel that someone has wronged us, we must keep in mind that it was the “right thing to do” according to them. This thought is essential because, if not, it will become a part of our negative feelings, which ultimately drain our mental energy, and for no good reason. It is just a downward spiral that we choose to enter.

Although considerably difficult, such situations test our patience and it is then when it really matters to be at peace. Just when we think someone is wrong, let us, for a moment, step in their shoes and try to see why they might be right! Let’s keep our energy positive!
--- Sumit Hasrajani
Sumit Hasrajani is a Masters student attending Mays Business School

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