February 2023

Working the 9-5 shift as a graduate student teaser image

Working the 9-5 shift as a graduate student


As an international student trying to cut down on costs as much as possible, any part-time work to ease the burden is always welcome- which is why I found employment at a popular restaurant within the university. Working in the service industry when I’d only worked as a “white-collar” employee back home, was a refreshingly different experience for me.

Firstly, the idea of really utilizing your break time- as someone who fritters away their scheduled break and then whiles away a little more to make up for it (it’s 4:01PM? Let me start at 5:00 now), this job made me understand how to use my break time gainfully. Within the allotted time, I would have to eat lunch, check my course loads and emails and plan how to tackle those once I got off, and get right back to work. Unlike the office where I could easily keep checking my phone, I had to reduce my screen time and still make the most of it. It gave
me a new appreciation for how important each minute is.

Secondly, I really absorbed the adage- “customer satisfaction is king.” In office, the customers were nameless, faceless companies to me with targets on spreadsheets, but at this job, I can see the customer who takes their food from us. I can see students hoping to catch a break from their hectic day or families sitting down to have a good meal. It becomes all the more important then, to give them that satisfaction, so that they return to experience that feeling again. My culture specifically, values every guest and directs me to give them a good experience no matter what, and I hope to bring this energy to every job in the future.

Next, the fact of not having to “take work home” is incredibly nice! As an ex-office worker who had approaching deadlines and new work piled on all the time, it was wonderful to work a job where my responsibility ended as soon as I hung up my apron. Of course, as a part time employee, my responsibilities are next to nothing compared to the full-time workers, but it still feels great when I have one less thing to worry about when my coursework is already so taxing. It certainly gave me nostalgia for all those times I wanted to grow up and become an adult, not realizing that these responsibilities really do pile up with time.

Finally, I really do like that this job helps me interact with such a big circle of people, given that I would never have the opportunity to do so, as a normal student. I never anticipated having a work family here in college but am grateful nevertheless, for the global experience I’m gaining each day. Also, interacting with my fellow Aggies is the best!

About the Author

image of author Priyadarshini


Priyadarshini is a master's student in computer engineering, with a focus on computer architecture. Priya completed her bachelor’s in Electronics and Communication in India. She enjoys multi-lingual fiction and hopes this will lead her to learning more about different cultures and meeting new people. She enjoys music, sketching scenery, and writing. Through her research, Priya hopes to work on space loT applications in the future.

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