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Grad Advisor Listserv Guidelines

Administered and moderated by the Graduate and Professional School, the Grad Advisor Listserv is a mailing service used to distribute critical and relevant information about opportunities and information for graduate students and/or graduate advisors. Graduate advisors and other staff or faculty such as graduate program directors may subscribe to receive Grad Advisor Listserv emails.


The purpose of the Grad Advisor Listserv is to share information to staff and faculty who advise and mentor graduate and professional students. Graduate and professional education stakeholders may send messages using the listserv, as long as the content is intended for ALL graduate and professional students or grad advisors. Content can include: 
  • Opportunities for ALL graduate and professional students including programs, events, professional development and funding
  • Information on events open to the graduate and professional community including students, faculty and staff
  • Professional development and job opportunities for staff who work with or wish to work with graduate and professional students


Members of the Graduate and Professional School moderate the Grad Advisor Listserv. Moderators review submissions to ensure compliance with listserv guidelines. Moderators approve messages that adhere to guidelines and reject those that do not. 


Submitting to the Grad Advisor Listserv

Messages for the Grad Advisor Listserv should be sent to for approval and should be addressed to the intended recipients: "Graduate Advisors." Emails should have contact information clearly listed. Moderators are not editors and do not remove content addressed to moderators. Please meticulously edit emails and ensure all information is accurate and links/attachments work before sending to the listserv.  


Moderators will approve messages related to the following:
  • Workshops and professional development opportunities for graduate advisors
  • Workshops and professional development opportunities open to all students
  • Job postings for grad advisors
  • Fellowships and Awards information
  • eNewsletters from non-academic units
  • Updates/changes to graduate academic requirements
  • Student rule information relevant to graduate students or programs
  • Urgent announcements (rescheduled activities, events, cancellations, deadline changes, policy changes)


Moderators will reject messages containing
  • Course advertisements with targeted appeal (please use deparment or program emails lists to advertise courses)
  • Job postings for students (Use to post openings)
  • Advertisements for student employment openings 
  • Messages from external sources



To subscribe to the Grad Advisor Listserv, send an email to with the following command as a single line in the body of the message
  • Subscribe GRADADVISORS <your first name> <your last name>
No email subject is required and you do not need to include your email address in your message. LISTSERV automatically uses the address from your email.


To unsubscribe from the Grad Advisor Listserv, send an email to with the following command as a single line in the body of your message:
  • SIGNOFF GRADADVISORS (Your email must come from the account you used to subscribe to the listserv. 

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Graduate Advisor Workshops and Development Sessions

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