Knowledge Center - Funding and Benefits

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I am funding a Ph.D. GAR on an external grant and contract. The PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE was PRIOR to January 1, 2020. Although the granting agency ALLOWED payment of fees, are there any additional funds to help pay required fees?

To address grandfathering as the tuition mandate expanded to include required fees, the President allocated limited “bridge funds” for FY21 and FY22, which may be requested by PIs and Co-PIs via this form. SRS typically includes required fees in the budgets for Graduate Assistants where the granting agency allows such payments. Thus, an explanation of the extraordinary circumstance detailing why funding beyond tuition (i.e. university required fees) is no longer available must be included in requests for bridge funding. Requests will only be considered for proposals that have been awarded.

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I am funding a Ph.D. GAR on an external grant and contract. The PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE was ON or AFTER January 1, 2020. The granting agency ALLOWS payment of tuition and/or fees. Are any other funds available to help with such payments?

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