March 2019

The Association of Fundraising Professionals at Texas A&M University (AFP) promotes the active involvement of college students in philanthropy.I But what’s philanthropy?
Philanthropy : goodwill to fellow members of the human race
- especially : active effort to promote human welfare II
In order to promote philanthropy among Aggies, the new AFP chapters offers opportunities for students to learn more about the nonprofit sector, participate in networking, and develop ethical fundraising skills. Last fall the organization hosted National Philanthropy Day - a nationwide celebration of philanthropy. This semester the organization has held discussions regarding fundraising tools and tips and motivating others to do good. As the organization grows, members will be able to participate in fundraisers!
The new chapter is located within the Bush School of Government and Public Service, but membership is available to any and all Texas A&M students who are interested in making a difference! If you have any interest in nonprofit organizations, fundraising, or making a difference, then AFP is the organization for you. You can join their Facebook Group (Association of Fundraising Professionals at Texas A&M) or email for more information.
--- Georgia Osburn
Georgia Osburn is a Masters student in the Bush School of Government and Public Service