December 2018

An Aggie Comes Home teaser image
Following the death of George Herbert Walker Bush both the nation and the university mourn his passing. To the nation he was the 41stpresident that showed resilience in the face of adversity. He guided and led the country. To Texas A&M University he was a dear friend. He encouraged and supported the students and faculty. Although he never attended as a student, his collective years spent in Texas fostered a love and admiration for the university and its traditions. When speaking of the school Bush remarked, “I love the Aggie spirit, I like the academic excellence of the place, and I love every single day that I spend on the A&M campus.”

As news of his death spread, the outlets of social media were flooded with tributes to the late President. In particular, a letter written to the soon to be President, Bill Clinton on his inaugural day was shared. The sentence that captured my attention most from the letter was, “Your success now is our country’s success”. This statement resonated with me because the selflessness and love for his country emanated in his words.
George H.W. Bush’s legacy of public service followed in him in life and death and now we grasp the fruition of his actions. Throughout campus, you see glimpses of his impact. The largest one resides in the hallowed halls of the George Bush School of Government and Public Service. Upon the groundbreaking of the school, President Bush remarked, “In 100 years, I hope the Bush School family and historians can look back and say that from our school came generations of people who were committed to public service for the right reasons- they believed that public service is noble, and they believed they could make a difference”. The students and faculty carry out his legacy in the classroom each day. The principles he believed in continue to be upheld by the School. 

Another emblem of his life rests on the grounds of the campus, his presidential library. It houses a collection of exhibits that follow his journey as a humanitarian and politician. The themes of faith, family, and country are evident in his life. 
The Geroge Bush Presidential Library and Museum

As we remember the legacy of George H.W. Bush, each of us should ponder the same. What will our legacy be? What service do we want others to remember us for?

These testaments to his life reveal the depth of his character and the Aggie spirit he loved so dearly. We remain grateful for the enduring love President Bush had for Texas A&M University and the love it had for him. To echo his words, his success was truly our success, both as a President and a person. His accomplishments as a public servant continues to live on in the students of Texas A&M. 

As remembrance services are held, we wait with patience the turn to give our respects. We celebrate his life and reminisce over his words and deeds. When the muster is softly called for former President George H.W. Bush, we will all say “Here”. 

Kalifa Stringfield
Kalifa is a masters student in the Biotechnology program in the College of Engineering

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