Aggie Voice
Time for a New Wheel
I defend my thesis in 9 days. A curious condition has plagued me this semester, one that I have only been previously aware of afflicting pregnant women, soon-to-be married couples, or those who are about to try Starbucks for the first time; the perpetual state of receiving unwanted advice. Although in all these situations, from thesis defending to Frappuccino expositions, there’s a smattering of worthwhile advice hidden between all the junk—like “Wear something comfortable” and “Don’t make a complicated order when it’s really crowded”. Sometimes there are nuggets of advice that are applicable to more than one topic like the always timeless, “Just enjoy yourself”. I have heard a phrase in the last few months repeated to me as advice that should maybe be filed somewhere between the good and the trash advice, the equally classic “DON’T REINVENT THE WHEEL.”
Aggie Voice
A Quarantine Small-Business Story
Like every good story, this one started with a pandemic, a nervous graduate student, and too much time on Instagram.
It was March of 2020, and I was bored. I was trying to get whatever work done I could remotely, from my parents’ house in a suburb of Dallas, to work towards my Ph. D. at Texas A&M. However, things were feeling pretty bleak back then. There was no canned/boxed food in grocery stores, you couldn’t buy paper towels or toilet paper anywhere, and most restaurants and bars were closed until further notice. Everyone was stuck inside, and no one could go to work or school or see their friends.
Aggie Voice
Nutrition Counseling Services on Campus
The Student Counseling and Student Health Services have been widely advertised across campus and I know that a lot of you are utilizing the great services they offer. But do you know that we have nutrition counseling for graduate students here at A&M as well? If you are struggling with finding a time to eat, trying hard to balance your work load and healthy living while getting graduate school done, or just wanting to hear some professional suggestions on eating and wellness, you should really consider this one.
Aggie Voice
Gameday Greatness
Texas A&M University has played host to multiple new student experiences over the years. People often graduate, learn new subjects, fall in love, and learn how to play music for the first time in this glorious institution. However, when it comes to football, the experience is ingrained in American blood and it is almost never a first for anyone. Yet, for many international students, this amazing sport is a first time experience. I had grown up on cricket, soccer, and tennis but never football. So, you can imagine my excitement when I got my hands on the tickets for the first game of the season. Or can you? Well, fasten your seatbelts, because I will take you on a ride, and you will see game day with my eyes...