May 2017

YPA stands for Young Professionals of Aggieland. This organization helped me connect with the BCS community. They have socials, professional development workshops, and volunteer opportunities. The socials are at local area restaurants and bars, and usually have discounts associated with them. The three reasons to checkout YPA is because they offer city league teams such as softball or volleyball, being a part of YPA is FREE, and it gives you an opportunity to connect with individuals who live and work in the BCS community that also want to network and meet new people.
Chamber of Commerce hosts monthly events that help bring business owners, entrepreneurs, and community members together to socialize and build a strong BCS community. The first time you go it is free and there are usually raffles/give a ways. These events provide yet another opportunity to network and stay in touch with the BCS community. I even got to meet the mayors for both Bryan and College Station.
AGPCC is a student run organization on campus that connects the Aggie Graduate Family through social events at local bars and restaurants, to bowling and ice skating, mentoring opportunities and even service events. These events have helped me widen my network and increase my understanding of the graduate community here at Texas A&M. There is no cost to join the organization and there truly is something for everyone with two to three events per month, as well as opportunities for smaller scale events that are created through the bonds formed at the larger events.
Other Student Organizations on campus can be a great way to get involved and also try something new or continue a passion. During my first year I practice with the Texas A&M Club Team Handball and was involved in ACKT (Aggie Coaches and Kinesology Teachers). Through both organizations I was able to understand more of the undergraduate community and get connected with both undergraduates and graduates a like. I learned a new sport in Team Handball and made lasting friendships in both organizations. Through ACKT I was able to participate in intramural softball and volleyball.
On-Campus Events are plentiful, I enjoy trying to keep with all the emails that are sent our way for various things and I encourage you to pick one and actually attend an email blast. Whether it be attending Lea Delaria put on by Texas A&M GLBT Resource Center going to a seminar on Public Opinion & Populism in the U.S. and Europe at the Bush school hosted by the European Union Center or even attending a sorority event hosted by Tri Delta to watch the Alabama vs Texas A&M game. There is something for everyone to do, so just get out there and do it!
Meetup is a great social media platform to find others interested in similar things that you are interested in. Whether it be hiking, running, knitting, camping, cooking. There is something for everyone. I encourage you to check it out and see if you found a group that you would enjoy being a part of. If you cannot find your group, start your own. Others may be interested!
TAMU Rec Center Did you know each semester you pay $106.00 to use the Rec Center? Well one way to make sure that money does not go to waste is to swing over to the rec and get a tour. The Rec Center is so expansive but that it also what makes it great. There are new outdoor beach volleyball courts, a lazy river, brand new lap pool, rock walls, bouldering walls, racquet ball, ping pong, volleyball courts, basketball courts, just to name a few. You can even sign up for boot camp! I signed up for boot camp and it truly helped me through the semester, the coaches are very knowledgeable and full of life, happiness, and energy even at 6am. Boot camp increases your endurance and helps you form friendships with others on campus. The other I speak of range from professionals all the way down to first year college students, as well as everyone in between.
If y’all have any other tips or suggestions on ways to get involved and feel connected, please feel free to reach out; this Minnesotan is still trying to figure out Texas.
Take care,
Steven Metzmaker | Educational Administration and Human Resources Development
Steven Metzmaker is a first-year Masters student in the Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education (SAAHE) program within the College of Education and Human Development.