June 2018

For me I had no idea when I changed from a normally breathing individual to a person prone to apnea. A bout of sinusitis at the end of 2017 revealed this habit. As fall proceeded to winter, my breathing went from bad to worse. I remember a sharp pain in my head and painkillers could not kill this pain. I went to an emergency unit twice in the middle of the night. The third time I was diagnosed with sinusitis and the scan showed things blocking my sinuses. It was a very painful experience which I do not wish for even an enemy.
Six months later I am still carrying out breath exercises. An app that helped me practice is Calm. I did a lot of browsing and learnt that we have horizontal and vertical breathers. Vertical breathers tend to go vertical as they breathe stretching upwards. Horizontal breathers breathe with their stomachs expanding and contracting. From studies the best way to breathe is starting from the hips. I have been practicing it and it takes the pressure off my neck. I feel my nerves expanding and I realize that they have been lying unused for a long time.
Air has to go in and out of the nostrils. Conscious breathing is necessary to maintain good health. Studies show it bad breathing starts with stress so reduce the stress around you and listen to your body. Previously, when I was concentrating I stopped breathing. It is changing. I urge you to check your breath pattern. Is air really going in and out of your nostrils?
Patricia Kio
Patricia is a Ph.D. student in the College of Architecture