August 2018

Missing Texas teaser image
Texas has been my home for 21 years. Spending three months abroad has been an incredible experience, but there are a few things I miss about God’s Country. 
  1. Air Conditioning 
While Texas is very hot this time of year, I am always able to find some comfortable air conditioning to avoid the heat. During my time abroad, I’ve only enjoyed air conditioning in a few high end museums and restaurants. The nights are warm and the desk fan can only do so much. I look forward to enjoying the air conditioning soon! 
     2.   Whataburger
I. MISS. WHATABURGER. I really don’t understand how I have managed nearly 100 days without a #5 with Dr. Pepper. They always say that you don’t know a good thing until it’s gone. As soon as I land in Houston I’m finding the closest Whataburger for my first meal stateside. Home. Sweet. Home.
     3.   Friends
I realized pretty quickly how quiet things can be when you’re only traveling with a few people. I was able to travel with a few of my close friends, but I really miss the rest of my friend group. I miss the late night video games and the trash talking between lifelong friends. I really look forward to getting home, grabbing my Xbox and locking myself in my apartment for three days just to catch up with the friends (and gaming) I miss so much. 
     4.   Family 
Everyone needs their family. I’ve never been away from mine for more than a month, let alone an entire summer. I miss church on Sundays and lunch with everyone right after. While independence is important, I believe that family is even more important. I’m only two weeks away from seeing mine (and eating MawMaw’s cooking) again!
     5.   Freedom
During my time abroad, I have had the freedom to visit multiple countries, try new foods and explore new places. This has been an amazing experience, but I really miss the freedom and ability to wake up, jump in the car and go anywhere. Everything here is on a schedule, where I can’t leave until there’s a bus that can take me where I want to go or a taxi that is available to pick me up. Public transportation has been wonderful, but I miss the ability and freedom to go where I want, when I want.

Joseph Tate
Joseph is a second-year Masters student at the Bush School of Government and Public Service

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