March 2024

Navigating Disaster: Game Night with TAMU's Emergency Management Team teaser image

Navigating Disaster: Game Night with TAMU's Emergency Management Team

By Ayushri Jain

In a world where unexpected disasters can happen anytime, being prepared is crucial. I recently took part in a special event hosted by Texas A&M University’s Emergency Management team - Disaster Game Night. I had no idea at the time, but this turned out to be more than just a fun night out. It taught me a lot about handling crises, working together, thinking creatively, and being adaptable.

When we arrived at the event, each of us was given a role determined by a card draw, ranging from religious leaders to firefighters. I ended up being the Federal Emergency Manager, which was quite the responsibility. We were then divided into groups representing different organizations, each tasked with selecting crucial resources from a set of cards without knowing what disaster lay ahead. Once settled in our designated cities, a simulated crisis hit, with strong winds and flooding. Our challenge was to come up with a plan to deal with a specific threat in our community. In my group’s case, it was the flooding of the city jail, putting inmates at risk. With only two cards to work with, the seriousness of the situation became evident. But by working together and thinking outside the box, we managed to find a solution, highlighting the importance of being resourceful in times of crisis and the benefits of collaborating with neighboring cities.

Just when we thought we had overcome the initial hurdle, a communication blackout struck, leaving us without any means of reaching out for help. It was a challenging situation, with limited resources at our disposal. We had to think on our feet and collaborate with other groups to exchange resources. Some managed to find what they needed, while others had to get creative with what they had on hand. This experience truly highlighted the power of teamwork. The organizers then introduced a new rule allowing for creative substitutions, encouraging us to think outside the box. We had to come up with innovative solutions, like using radios instead of mobile phones and helicopters in place of trucks. This underscored the importance of adaptability and quick decision-making in times of crisis. In the end, through our collective efforts and ingenuity, we were able to avert disaster and safeguard our cities. As the event ended, it became evident that the lessons learned extended far beyond the game, emphasizing the unpredictable nature of emergencies and the importance of being prepared, both individually and as a team.

The lessons learned from TAMU’s Disaster Game Night go beyond just playing a game; they offer practical wisdom that applies to real-life emergencies. One key takeaway was the importance of being prepared for the unexpected, reminding us to always stay alert and ready for sudden crises. We also learned the power of teamwork, seeing firsthand how working together is crucial for effective crisis management. The game highlighted the need to think quickly and adapt to changing situations, as well as the importance of being resourceful with the resources at hand. Keeping calm under pressure was another crucial lesson, along with the value of learning from mistakes and using them as opportunities for growth. These insights are invaluable for handling any emergency, whether it’s a natural disaster, medical crisis, or any other challenge. I now feel more confident in my ability to tackle whatever comes my way, all thanks to a simple game night activity!

About the Author

image of author Ayushri Jain

Ayushri Jain

Ayushri is a master’s student at the College of Engineering studying Computer Science. Originally from Indore, India, she enjoys sharing her culture and street food with others. She aims to use the potential of technology/software to change industries and lives for the better. Passionate about working in a team and helping others, she hopes to become a culturally competent professional in her future. In her spare time, Ayushri enjoys participating in competitions, music, and arts and crafts.

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