June 2017

At least, that may have resembled summer back in our youth, in a time where we had to revolve our schedule around what time our favorite shows were on since Netflix and Hulu had not taken a hold of our lives yet.
Now, summers in grad school are different. For some they’re spent away at an internship in a different place where we’re trying to navigate the functionalities of the company. Maybe they’re spent on campus helping teach a class or working in a lab. Regardless of the location, our summers aren’t the same as when we were younger.
What can we do in those fleeting moments where we are graced with some free time? Do we embark on a Netflix binge and catch up on our favorite shows? Do we hop in the car and drive to the furthest destination we can think of? What if we only have a few hours of calm to relax before reality sets back in?
One of my favorite things to do when I only have a few hours of free time is explore College Station. Not being from Texas I have taken the past year to experience the different cultures that make up this huge state. Throughout my travels I’ve found some hidden gems and wouldn’t trade them for the world. Some of the most rewarding items I’ve come across have actually been right here on campus.
So when you don’t have time to drive halfway across the state, why not get to know the area around here more? Why not start with campus itself? There’s the typical spots that everyone says to visit, Kyle Field, Century Tree, Fish Pond, etc. but what about places that are tucked away or in plain sight?
Take some time and walk around the many ponds hidden away near Research Parkway. Enjoy the serenity of the trees, grass and wildlife. Hang out with the ducks as they move from land to water, slowly moving closer to those with food. Listen to the birds, greeting you with different melodies.
If nature is not your thing, head over to Penberthy and watch many of the sporting events happening daily. Perhaps ascend to the top of Rudder and lookout on the town skyline. Stand in front of the Oceanography building and clap your hands, I bet you’ll be impressed by the sound created.
Regardless of wherever we are, it’s important to take time out of our day and explore the area around us. It’s in these little moments that some of the biggest realizations can come about. Whether it’s a walk around the building, a new meal at a restaurant, or watching the sunset.
So with the remainder of the summer, what do you want to explore?
Breanna Watkins | Agricultural Leadership, Education, & Communications
Arizona native Breanna Watkins is a master’s student within Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communications.