March 2023

Delaney Couri
My birthday is March 11, 1997. My first pet’s name was, my social security number is…kidding. This is not one of those blogs where I tell you intimate details about my life, but it is a way for me to recap what has happened in the past year.
Last year, I wrote a blog all about my birthday. I told stories of birthdays past, regaled readers with stories of COVID shots and WHO declarations. Unicorn cakes and trampoline parks. All of it was true and fun and memorable. But, it also left me with a dilemma; if I want to write a birthday blog every year (and I do), what is left to tell?
Last year, I reminisced, then discussed where I was at that moment at twenty-five. So, though I don’t plan to reminisce again, I do want to carry on with the theme and discuss where I am today, as I write this, at twenty five years and three-hundred-sixty-four days old.
At twenty-six, I am too busy to have an odd obsession with anything-- though I still do love peppermint patties, candles, and baths-- and could also add Aggie sports to this list. At twenty-six, I have four jobs, three classes, two advisors, and one packed Google calendar.
At twenty-six, I am more proud than I ever have been of my friends and community. The year between twenty five and twenty-six brought many changes, but the best one by far was the people it brought into my life.
At twenty-six, I fight less than I did at twenty-five… with myself, my advisor(s), my friends, my boss(es). I am calmer, happier, and less anxious.
At twenty-six, my best friend is still my cat.
My concerns have shifted from being about an uncertain future to being about an uncertain present and while my program felt impossibly long last year, this year it feels impossibly short.
The last year has brought me new friends and a new church. It has brought me new committee members and new future possibilities. With all this newness, it has also ushered in a new stillness that makes me feel settled in a way I was not last year… as I have a sneaking suspicion that right now, I am exactly where I was alwaysmeant to be.
In my twenty-sixth year, I anticipate finishing coursework and taking comprehensive exams. I anticipate continuing to develop in my jobs. I anticipate and hope to have an article published.
In my twenty-sixth year, I see challenges and changes on the horizon, but at twenty-six, I am unafraid. Because I also see a whole lot of love.
Ask me how I feel about all of this at twenty-seven.
Until then, I say to myself, happy birthday, Delaney, take some time to celebrate. Youmade it through another year of life. I can’t wait to see what the next year brings you. I love you.