Delaney is a second-year doctoral student studying equity, social justice, religion, music, higher education, and the LGBTQ+ community. They also have an interest in interdisciplinary fields. Delaney has been in College Station since 2015, receiving both their undergraduate and graduate degrees from Texas A&M. Delaney enjoys cooking, practicing yoga, painting, attending church, and walking. They find the most joy in community and are very close with family, friends, and their cat.
- Hurry Up and Wait: A Story of Dissertation Writing and Job Searching
- (Un) Common Sense
- All About Aggie Sports
- Great Expectations: Excellence as Expected
- How To Create a Conference Presentation
- Miniature Dreams, Miniature Deaths: Life on the Academic Job Market
- Patience, Hope, Action
- The Good Life
- The Power of Movement
- To Read or Not to Read: Perspective Shifts in Comprehensive Exam Reading
- Twenty-Seven
- A Choice and a Justification
- A Winter’s Journey- The Search for Prince Charming
- All the World is a Classroom
- Don’t Skip the Ending: Just Hit Submit
- I Hope That You Dance: The Value of Just Having Fun
- Spread Too Thin, aka, My Journey Seeking a Salary and Cupcakes
- Work in Progress: Trials, Tribulations, and Traffic
- At Home
- Campus Bingo
- Credit (Where?) Credit is Due (?)
- I've Got a Story For You, Ags
- Reminder: Be Kind Today
- Take the Charge; Don't Flinch
- Three Reasons to Attend Job Talks: A Lesson in Good Department Citizenship
- “What are you asking me?”: On Privacy in the Academy
- 70,000 Small
- I Don't Like Academic Writing
- Queer Christians, Muslims, and Jews on Television: A Closer Look at My Dissertation
- The Dissertation Olympics
- Get Hit: A Lesson on Becoming
- How to Live Your Best Life: Resolving Tension between Daydreams and Reality
- (Il)Legible
- A Look Back: Professionalization Semester
- It All Comes Back to Relationships
- More Soon: On Playing the Long Game in Graduate School
- Twenty-Five
- A Family Affair
- Loop-the-Loop: How I Got Over Writer's Block
- Thank You, I’m Sorry : How to Say “I Love You”
- The Boat is Still Moving: Lessons Learned on a Bachelorette Cruise
- Twenty-Six
- To Be Human
- Hardest Worker in the Room: Imposter Syndrome, The Myth of Meritocracy, and COVID-19
- How I Get Through
- WWID: What Would an Imposter Do?
- The Importance of Roles Models