Faculty/Staff Resources for Employing Graduate Assistants

Faculty/Staff Resources for Employing Graduate Assistants

The links below connect you to resources, policies and procedures for hiring graduate assistants.

Graduate Assistant Position Requirements/Benefits Comparison

This page outlines the requirements and benefits for graduate assistantships, by position title.  

Graduate Assistant Position Requirements/Benefits Table

This table serves as a description of the various graduate assistant (GA) positions titles. The comparison chart details the requirements and benefits of each position. 

Mandatory Hire Dates

This document contains the hire date guidelines for all new graduate assistants through the nine-month academic appointment period. 

Tuition and Fee Mandate for PhD GATs, GARs, and GALs

This page details the university's mandate to cover tuition and fees for PhD GATs, GARs, and GALs. 

Graduate Assistantship Registration Requirements

This page visually outlines the minimum number of hours graduate assistants must maintain, by semester. 

Graduate Assistantship Non-Resident Tuition Waivers

This page explains the eligibility requirements and necessary steps for graduate assistants to obtain a non-resident tuition waiver.

Request for a Graduate Assistant to work additional hours

This page explains the process and includes the form used to approve Graduate Assistant to work beyond the 50% effort limit. 

International Temporary Work Location (ITWL) requests

This document outlines the guidelines for ITWL requests for graduate assistants effective FY 2020, including its purpose, reasoning, eligibility requirements, and more. 

HROE Employing a Graduate Student webpage

This HROE page offers resources for hiring a graduate assistant.