Graduate School Task Force Subcommittees
As part of the activities surrounding the shift from the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies to the Graduate and Professional School, the Graduate School Task Force formed Master's, Doctoral and First Professional Doctoral subcommittees. The charge of each subcommittee was to review current operations and make recommendations on the scope of operations fot the Graduate and Professional School.
Master's Subcommittee
Co-Chairs: Julie Harlin (Graduate and Professional School) and Maria Escobar-Lemmon (Liberal Arts)
Members: Stacy Drake (Nursing), Hope Rising (Architecture), Lori Taylor (Bush), Deb Banerje (Engineering), Paul Hernandez (Education), Michelle Mitchell (Engineering), Uthej Vattipalli (Graduate and Professional Student Government), Terri Helge (Law), Ashley Ross (Galveston), and Anne Reber (Student Affairs)
Doctoral Subcommittee
Co-Chairs: Adam Seipp (Graduate and Professional School) and Mark Zoran (Science)
Members: Antoinetta Quigg (TAMU-G), Jay Ramadoss (Vet Med), Idia Thurston (Liberal Arts), Narendra Kumar (Pharmacy), Richard Malak (Engineering), Christian Hilty (Science), David Threadgill (Medicine), Istvan Szunyogh (Geoscience), Wayne Smith (AGLS), Ashley Seabury (Vet Med), Kara Bond (Education), Chante Anderson (Black Graduate Student Association), Mohit Kurana (Indian Graduate Student Association), Shannon Walton (Graduate and Professional Studies), Gerianne Alexander (Research)
First Professional Doctoral Subcommittee
Co-Chairs: George Cunningham (Graduate and Professional School) and Charlotte Ku (Law)
Members: Bruno Ruest (Dentistry), Sarah Allen Parker (Dentistry), Amanda Cervantes (Law), Aric K Short (Law), Terri Helge (Law), Brett Mitchell (Medicine), Katherine Brakora (Medicine), Nadia El Hamdi (Medicine), Adam Brown (Pharmacy), Fadi Khasawneh (Pharmacy), Ivan Rusyn (Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences), and Kristin Chaney (Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences).