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Thesis Approval Form
This milestone, which is completed in ARCS, is a part of the Thesis, Dissertation, or Record of Study submission process.
First, the Approval Form will not become active in ARCS until the following two steps are
- The final exam has been passed.
- The Copyright and Availability Form has been approved by your Chair
or Record of Study needs to be uploaded to Vireo. See the Document Submission page for
further information.
- Verify the title of your Thesis/Dissertation/Record of Study matches the title of the document submitted to Vireo.
- A graduate term may be selected but is not required.
- Acknowledge that you have uploaded your Thesis/Dissertation/Record of Study in Vireo.
- Click “Submit” to begin the Thesis/Dissertation/Record of Study approval process.
NOTE: If you are unable to see any of the screens or any of the landing pages do not appear,
please contact the Grad School at GradARCS@tamu.edu.
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