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Thesis Approval Form


This milestone, which is completed in ARCS, is a part of the Thesis, Dissertation, or Record of Study submission process. 

First, the Approval Form will not become active in ARCS until the following two steps are

Second, before submitting the Approval Form, the final manuscript of the Thesis, Dissertation,
or Record of Study needs to be uploaded to Vireo. See the Document Submission page for
further information.


  1. Verify the title of your  Thesis/Dissertation/Record of Study matches the title of the document submitted to Vireo
  2. A graduate term may be selected but is not required.
  3. Acknowledge that you have uploaded your Thesis/Dissertation/Record of Study in Vireo.
  4. Click “Submit” to begin the Thesis/Dissertation/Record of Study approval process.

NOTE: If you are unable to see any of the screens or any of the landing pages do not appear,
please contact the Grad School at

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