General Thesis/Dissertation Guidelines
These formatting guidelines apply to all Texas A&M University theses, dissertations, and records of study.
Students must consult with their department (see pg. 11 of Guidelines) and/or committee to select an appropriate style guide to use in writing the thesis. In the case of format and layout differences between Guidelines specifications and the style guide, the Guidelines overrule the style guide.
Possible style guides include American Psychological Association (APA), American Physiological Society (APS), American Medical Association (AMA), Chicago Manual of Style, Harvard, Modern Language Association (MLA), and Vancouver, among others. Students may also use the style guide of journals commonly used in their field, as long as it does not contradict the Guidelines.
Page and Margins
Students should use 8.5” × 11” page size, with 1” margins.
Font and Type Size
Use one font (type style) consistently throughout the entire document. Consult the style guide for appropriate fonts. Use 12-point type size throughout.
The text should be double-spaced. Students should follow the style guide of their field for spacing in block quotations, lists in text, tables, and figures. References may be single-spaced as long as there is a double-space between each reference.
Students should follow the Guidelines for title formatting, including use of capital letters and bold font. Title formatting should be consistent throughout the manuscript.
Page Numbers
The title page should not have a page number. Students should use lower case Roman numerals (e.g., i, ii, iii) for preliminary pages. This would include the abstract, which is always page ii, followed by the dedication, acknowledgements, contributors and funding sources, nomenclature, table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables. Students should use Arabic numerals (e.g., 1, 2, 3) for all other pages in the document.
Illustrations, Tables, and Figures
All illustrations, tables, and figures should be mentioned in the text (e.g., “see Table 1.1”). If you use two or more figures/tables, you must include a list of figures/tables in the preliminary pages. Students can include figures/tables in each chapter or as an appendix. Follow the Guidelines for formatting and presentation guidance.
Each document must contain a formal reference section either at the end of the main text or at the end of each chapter. Each source included in the reference section should be cited in the text. Students should follow the a style guide or journal from their field for the specific formatting of reference entries.
Language Use
Students pursuing an M.A. in Hispanic Studies may write their thesis in English or Spanish. All other students should write the document in English, though it is permissible to include other languages when quoting directly from foreign-language sources.